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<STable> is a common table component.





John Doe
Mia Green
Daniel Loe


Import <STable> component and useTable composable. Create a table object with useTable composable and pass it to the :options props of the STable component. Here are the relatively simple table definitions.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useTable } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/composables/Table'
import STable from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/STable.vue'

const options = useTable({
  orders: [
  columns: {
    name: {
      label: 'Name',
      cell: {
        type: 'text'
    group: {
      label: 'Group',
      cell: {
        type: 'text',
        color: 'soft'
    status: {
      label: 'Status',
      cell: (value) => ({
        type: 'pill',
        color: value === 'Active' ? 'success' : 'mute'
  records: [
    { name: 'John Doe', group: 'Admin', status: 'Active' },
    { name: 'Mia Green', group: 'Editor', status: 'Active' },
    { name: 'Daniel Loe', group: 'Editor', status: 'Inactive' }

  <STable :options="options" />

Orders, columns, and Records are the base building block of the table. In order to display table records, you must define all of them.

The orders defines the existing columns on the table and the order to display them. In the below example, you can see we have 3 items in this table definition.

import { useTable } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/composables/Table'

const options = useTable({
  orders: [

Next, you should define columns that match the value defined on the orders property. Each column must contain a label key. This value will be used for the column name.

import { useTable } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/composables/Table'

const options = useTable({
  orders: [
  columns: {
    item_1: {
      label: 'Item 1'
    item_2: {
      label: 'Item 2'
    item_3: {
      label: 'Item 3'

The columns key may contain several more options. We'll go through them in the later section of this page.

Next, define the records key with the data you would like to display. The key for each record must match the key of the columns property else it gets ignored.

import { useTable } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/composables/Table'

const options = useTable({
  orders: [
  columns: {
    item_1: {
      label: 'Item 1'
    item_2: {
      label: 'Item 2'
    item_3: {
      label: 'Item 3'
  records: [
    { item_1: 'Data 1', item_2: 'Data 2', item_3: 'Data 3' },
    { item_2: 'Data 4', item_2: 'Data 5', item_3: 'Data 6' },
    { item_3: 'Data 7', item_2: 'Data 8', item_3: 'Data 9' }

Header options

The header is the top part of the table. The header displays information such as the total number of records or menu items.

Header menu

You may define menu option to display a menu button on the table header. The menu is dropdown options that can display any kind of dropdown items.

This is useful when you would like to add filter options that does not make sense adding it to the column options.

const options = useTable({
  menu: [
      label: 'Option A',
      dropdown: {
        type: 'menu',
        options: [
          { label: 'Option 1', onClick: () => {} },
          { label: 'Option 2', onClick: () => {} },
          { label: 'Option 3', onClick: () => {} }

You may also pass state option to change how the menu button looks. The state option can be one of inactive, active, or indicate.

  • inactive – The default state. The menu button fill looks slightly muted.
  • active – The menu button label text will appear with --c-text-1 color.
  • indicate – Adds blue dot indicator on the menu button. Use this to indicate the user that the menu is now different than its default state (e.g. user has selected some option).
const options = useTable({
  menu: [
      label: 'Option A',
      state: 'indicate',
      dropdown: { ... }

Total number of records

You may define total option to display the total number of records in the table.

const options = useTable({
  total: 50

Reset filters button

Define reset option to show the "Reset filters" button on the table header. You can define onReset callback to listen to the click event on this button.

const options = useTable({
  reset: true,
  onReset: () => { ... }

Hide Header

The header gets displayed depending on when it has any data to display. For example, the header gets displayed when total or reset option is set.

If you would like to display or hide the header regardless of the other options presence, set boolean to header.

const options = useTable({
  header: true

Column options

The columns are the part where it displays the label of each record. You may add several options to the column such as displaying the dropdown menu or adjusting how the user can resize the column.

Auto grow column

You may define grow option to automatically grow the column if there is space left on the table.

import { useTable } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/composables/Table'

const options = useTable({
  orders: [...],
  columns: {
    // This column will grow if there is space left.
    item_1: {
      label: 'Item 1',
      grow: true
    item_2: {
      label: 'Item 2'
  records: [...]

Note that if the user adjusts any column's width, the grow option will be ignored and the last column will fill up the remaining space (in the above case it's item_2).

Disable column resize

By default, all columns are resizable via the user. You may disable resizing for each column you specify by setting resizable option.

import { useTable } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/composables/Table'

const options = useTable({
  orders: [...],
  columns: {
    item_1: {
      label: 'Item 1'
    // This column is no longer resizable.
    item_2: {
      label: 'Item 2',
      resizable: false
  records: [...]

Conditionally hide columns

You can conditionally hide columns by defining show option.

import { useTable } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/composables/Table'

const options = useTable({
  orders: ['name', 'age', 'email'],

  columns: computed(() => ({
    name: { ... },
    age: { ... },
    email: {
      label: 'Email',
      show: showEmail

Limitation when using with grow option

When toggling the show option on a column with the grow option set to true, the auto-growing feature will be disabled. It is recommended to avoid using the grow option on columns that might be hidden.

Records & Cell options

The records are each row of data in the table and the cell is each item within the record. You may define various types of cells such as text, pill, or date.

Text cell

You may use type: 'text' cell to define the cell as a text type. Use this cell to display any kind of text. However, when displaying more data with more specific formats, consider using other cell types such as type: 'number' or type: 'day'.

const options = useTable({
  orders: ['name'],
  columns: {
    age: {
      label: 'Name',
      cell: {
        type: 'text'

Below are the complete list of options you may pass to the text type cell.

export interface TableCellText {
  // Type of the cell. Must be `text`.
  type: 'text'

  // The alignment of the value in the cell. Defaults to `left`.
  align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right'

  // Icon to display in front of the value.
  icon?: any

  // The value for the cell. If omitted, it will use the value
  // from the record.
  value?: string | null

  // URL to link the value. When specified, cell becomes a link.
  link?: string | null

  // Color of the value. Defaults to `neutral`.
  color?: TableCellValueColor

  // Color of the icon. If not defined, it will use the same
  // color as `color` option.
  iconColor?: TableCellValueColor

  // When defined, this callback gets called when user clicks
  // on the cell.
  onClick?(value: any, record: any): void

export type TableCellValueColor =
  | 'neutral'
  | 'soft'
  | 'mute'
  | 'info'
  | 'success'
  | 'warning'
  | 'danger'

Number cell

You may use type: 'number' cell to define the cell as a number type. It has several number-specific options and also it changes the font style to monospace so that all numbers in the table get aligned.

const options = useTable({
  orders: ['age'],
  columns: {
    age: {
      label: 'Age',
      cell: {
        type: 'number'

Below are the complete list of options you may pass to the number type cell.

export interface TableCellNumber {
  // Type of the cell. Must be `number`.
  type: 'number'

  // The alignment of the value in the cell. Defaults to `left`.
  align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right'

  // Icon to display in front of the value.
  icon?: any

  // The value for the cell. If omitted, it will use the value
  // from the record.
  value?: number | null

  // When set to `true`, it will display the value with
  // thousand separator. e.g. 1000 -> 1,000.
  separator?: boolean

  // URL to link the value. When specified, cell becomes a link.
  link?: string | null

  // Color of the value. Defaults to `neutral`.
  color?: TableCellValueColor

  // Color of the icon. If not defined, it will use the same
  // color as `color` option.
  iconColor?: TableCellValueColor

  // When defined, this callback gets called when user clicks
  // on the cell.
  onClick?(value: any, record: any): void

export type TableCellValueColor =
  | 'neutral'
  | 'soft'
  | 'mute'
  | 'info'
  | 'success'
  | 'warning'
  | 'danger'

Actions cell

Actions type cell displays any number of actions as a clickable button in the cell by defining type: 'actions'. Usually, place actions at the end of the column.

import IconNotePencil from '@iconify-icons/ph/note-pencil'
import IconTrash from '@iconify-icons/ph/trash'

const options = useTable({
  orders: ['actions'],
  columns: {
    age: {
      cell: {
        type: 'actions',
        actions: [
          { icon: IconNotePencil, onClick: () => {} },
          { icon: IconTrash, onClick: () => {} }

Below are the complete list of options you may pass to the actions type cell. Each action is a <SButton :type="text"> instances. You may pass options such as mode or label to them.

import { type IconifyIcon } from '@iconify/vue/dist/offline'

interface TableCellActions {
  // Type of the cell. Must be `actions`.
  type: 'number'

  // Options for button stylings. Refer to `<SButton>` docs
  // for more details. Note that for actions, `type` is fixed
  // to `text`, and `mode` defaults to `mute`.
  mode?: ColorModes
  icon?: IconifyIcon
  iconMode?: ColorModes
  label?: string
  labelMode?: ColorModes

  // Callback function when the button is clicked.
  onClick(record: any): void

  // Whether to show the button for the record.
  show?(record: any): boolean

type ColorModes =
  | 'default'
  | 'mute'
  | 'neutral'
  | 'info'
  | 'success'
  | 'warning'
  | 'danger'

Summary row

You may define summary option to display a summary row at the bottom of the table. It's useful to display information such as the total of each column.

const options = useTable({
  orders: ['name', 'amount'],
  columns: { ... },

  summary: {
    name: 'Total',
    amount: 100

Each field defined at the summary option must match the key of the columns option, and the type of cell is applied as same as other records. For example, if the cell type of the name field is text, then the name field of the summary option will be displayed as text type.

The footer is the very bottom part of the table. The footer provides features such as pagination.


By passing in total, page, and perPage option, the table footer gets displayed with pagination. You can listen to "Prev" and "Next" buttons and click callback via onPrev and onNext option. Note that if both onPrev or onNext is not defined, it will not show the "Prev" and "Next" buttons.

const options = useTable({
  total: 50,
  page: 1,
  perPage: 25,
  onPrev: () => { ... },
  onNext: () => { ... }

The footer gets displayed when it has any data to display. For example, fotter gets displayed when pagination options are set.

If you would like to display or hide the footer regardless of the other options present, set boolean to footer option.

const options = useTable({
  footer: true


Here are the list of props you may pass to the component.


The whole definition of the table. The Table object should be created via useTable composable. For the details on each option, please refer to the corresponding section of this document.

import { Table } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/composables/Table'

interface Props {
  options?: Table
<STooltip :options="options" />


You may customize the styles by overriding --table prefixed CSS variables.

Font style

Use --table-cell-font-size and --table-cell-font-weight to customize the base font style in the table. Also, you can use --table-cell-summary-font-weight to adjust the font weight of the cell added by summary option.

:root {
  --table-cell-font-size: 14px;
  --table-cell-font-weight: 400;

  --table-cell-summary-font-weight: 600;

Padding on both sides

You may define --table-padding-right and --table-padding-left to adjust the padding of the table. This is useful when you want to have "full width" table and increase the first and last cell item padding.

:root {
  --table-padding-right: 0;
  --table-padding-left: 0;

Borders customization

You may customize table borders via --table-border variable. --table-border will set all borders styles at once. If you want to only adjust top and bottom, or left and right part of the border, use dedicated variables such as --table-border-top.

You may also adjust the border-radius via --table-border-radius variable.

:root {
  --table-border: 1px solid var(--c-divider);

  --table-border-top: var(--table-border);
  --table-border-right: var(--table-border);
  --table-border-bottom: var(--table-border);
  --table-border-left: var(--table-border);

  --table-border-radius: 6px;